Tag Archives: puppies

Why you (and everyone else) should just get on Reddit already.

31 Oct

As a self-proclaimed social-media-guru-in-training, I try my best to have as many social media accounts on as many social media platforms as possible (for research, you know? and mostly because I’m probably obsessed.) However, for some reason I put off getting an account on Reddit for a very long time. Well folks, a few weeks ago I finally caved. And after some time and some careful consideration, I feel confident in letting you know that Reddit is seriously, without a doubt, incredibly, awesome.

For those of you that don’t know, Reddit is a link sharing site, and could be considered a mix between tumblr, stumbleupon and twitter— but with a much more simplistic and organizationally understandable interface. Also, for those of you that don’t know, Reddit will suck all of your free time up, and is filled with content from tons and tons of college boys (and SOME girls.) It’s also where a lot of information gets shared FROM. So all you hipsters out there–if you get a Reddit account, you can really say that you saw it first.

Not yet convinced? Check out this adorable and awesome subreddits and let me know what you think. And for all you redditers out there: What’s your FAVE subreddit?


Lordy Lordy

13 Jun

Do you ever have days that just make you feel like this:

So purdy.

Well I have, and I can tell you this, days that make you feel THAT crazy are caused by over-thinking trivial things, which leads to worrying too much over the trivial things. BLAH! If I’ve realized ANYTHING lately, it’s been that you don‘t want to do that. It makes stuff  complicated and it will just make errythang worse. And, at the end of the day,  you don’t want to end up looking like a llama with a dislocated jaw, do you? (For a reminder, see above ^^) You don’t want to HAVE to unwind after a long day. That’s gross. I mean, come on, you shouldn’t even have to be wound up in the first place! So here’s my personal (and I guess now public, because I’m posting it on here) vow: from now on I promise to try my best  not to over-think things, or blow things out of proportion. Because I think it’s driving me crazy.

ALSO: On a happier note, my main goal this summer is to find a way to fill my life with more puppies. If you have any ideas on how I can achieve this, please let me know! Comment or send me an email at everydaybytay@gmail.com!