Tag Archives: Michigan State

Spartans Will

17 Sep

I was on A­­dams Field on Saturday morning when I looked up and saw the giant “G-O” being written in the sky above East Lansing.

My first thought was excitement.  Oh cool! Someone’s writing Go Green in the sky on game day! I took my phone out to take a picture.

Then, as the “B” began to form after the  “G-O,” my heart quickly sunk to my toes, and feelings of disbelief and embarrassment began to flood my cheeks.


Seriously, someone really paid THAT MUCH money, just to make a childish point?  In a matter of minutes, “GOBLUE” was etched into the sky like a brand on the side of a steer. It made my heart hurt.

Of course, everyone around me was taking out their smartphones and cameras, snapping away at the message in the sky. And even though I’m a huge proponent of the power of sharing and social media, the “always-slighted 10-year-old Spartan fan” in me wanted to run up to every single one of them and swat their cameras away.

No one should see this! I thought. Us sharing it is just going to fuel U of M’s fire! But it happened, it was there, and people all around me were gawking and pointing.

That may have been in the only moment in my life where I wished that Facebook had never been invented…Shocking, I know.

However, in light of recent events, I’ve become incredibly thankful that Facebook DOES exist, and for the power of social media, and what a difference a little sharing can do.

If you haven’t heard about the incredible response to the “GOBLUE” skywriting, it’s about time that you did. Scott Westerman, a friend and a mentor of mine, posted this on Saturday, following the skywriting. Image“I saw the picture on my FB feed and tried to think of how to turn it into a positive for both UofM and for us,” Scott told me this morning.  “Since this is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, and since the Michigan Ovarian Cancer Alliance is headquartered in Ann Arbor, it felt like this could be a huge win-win.”

 And so far, it has been. Spartans (and even some Wolverines too!) have been donating to the Michigan Ovarian Cancer Alliance, even causing their Paypal account to crash.  Over $4,100 had been raised by Tuesday afternoon, according to recent MLIVE story. UPDATE: Scott has informed us all that donations have passed the $20k mark. WOW.

The story has exploded across social media, and it’s continuing to grow. Check out Scott’s side of the story on his website here.

Especially with rivalries, it’s so easy to get sucked into petty insults, dumb retaliations, and silly fights.  I’ve done it, you’ve done it, face it; we’ve ALL done it.  I distinctly remember a Valentines Day in elementary school where I made everyone MSU valentines, and didn’t give any to the U of M fans in the class. It happens!

I mean, there’s so much emotion involved–especially with the MSU/UM rivalry.  But Scott did as my dad has always told me to do; he “killed ‘em with kindness.”

“When we focus only on one dimension of a university, like a football team, it’s easy to lose sight of what both UofM and MSU are all about. “ Said Scott, “We exist to enrich young minds, inspire our alumni and tackle the biggest problems. The positive response I’ve seen confirms that authentic Spartans take these ethics to heart.” Scott, I couldn’t agree more.

It’s things like this that make me beam with pride every time I tell someone that I went to Michigan State, that I’m a Spartan. It’s things like this that make me truly believe that, in the face of anything—hardship, sickness, or even smoke in the sky to fuel a rivalry…Spartans Will.

What do you think of this? Leave a comment below. Wondering who is responsible for the “GOBLUE” over MSU? Click here.


5 Reasons why I will drop everything to watch Good Burger.

24 Mar

I’m a nineties kid, and I LIVED off of Kenan and Kel and All That. So when Good Burger emerged, I was basically in heaven. Anybody else remember the bright orange Nickelodeon VHS tapes? They were the freaking best. 

Anyway, here’s a list of 5 reasons why you should just drop everything that you’re doing today, take a nostalgia trip back to your childhood, and just watch Good Burger already.



5. Sinbad’s role in the movie as “Mr. Wheat.” That fro, that robe, that shocking realization that it’s Sinbad under the fro and the robe after you haven’t seen the movie for about 8 years. And I guess it doesn’t hurt that his character was a total jerk. I mean, am I right?



4. The Burger Mobile. 

Come on, you knew you all secretly wanted that car. With the burger hood and the french fry windshield wipers. It was the coolest car of your childhood–and I bet it tasted good too.


3. Ed as “Grape Nose Boy.” Bloobity Bloobity bloo! You can’t hold back a smile when watching this clip of the movie. And I bet you can’t eat grapes without trying Ed’s…uhh…tactics. Or maybe that’s just me…


2. Googling what “Spatch” looks like now. I just did this right now, and I was freaking amazed. If you don’t remember–Spatch was the large, fly-eating bimbo that could barelyspeak two words. And now he just…well, take a look for yourself. 


1. Ed’s Ordering Speech. “Welcome to Good Burger, Home of the Good Burger, can I takeyour order…huh.” I can’t tell you how many times my brother and I would say this line to each other, and just die laughing. There’s something about seeing your favorite All Thatsketch morph into the greatest movie of your childhood, and already knowing the lines when you watch it for the first time…or the second time…or every time…

So comment, reply, share, and let me know why YOU love the movie “Good Burger.” Happy Sunday everyone! Oh! And get your Good Burger fill by clicking here

A lot can change in four years

26 Feb


People have told me that I’ve changed a lot in four years…you know, I really don’t see it…. (ha. hahaha. ha. ha. ha.)

Anyway (DRUM ROLL PLEASEEEEE) here it is, the first of many posts reflecting on the fact that I have mere months left as a student at Michigan State University. I intend to keep this post short and sweet (I know, you’re all rolling your eyes and laughing at me right now) and share some important things that I have learned from each of my four years here as a student at MSU. 

Freshman year: Freshman year was such a big one for me, because going away to school was such a big deal. I’m a homebody, and freshman year I was homesick constantly. But what I learned is that it’s important to get involved, and find something that you love to do, where you are. I started a blog, I tried out for two a capella groups, Sideshow with the MSU telecasters, and the Spartan Brass–and those decisions helped shape who I am today. 

Sophomore year: Sophomore year, I learned that pushing your limits helps you to grow. That year I joined the Spartan Marching Band, I switched into a new major,  I reached out and landed a job as a social media intern for MSU, and I made a ton of new and wonderful friends. Unlike freshman year, (and even junior and senior) sophomore year was a breeze.

Junior year: I would say that junior year had tested me–and my boundaries– the most. Junior year I struggled, I stressed, and I lost myself a little bit. But I learned that if you take a step back, stand up for yourself, and do what you love, you’ll be able to find yourself again. I started playing the ukulele, I took a week and visited my grandparents in Florida, I started taking more walks and, I called my mom more. 

Senior year: While this year is not quite over yet, I’ve found that I have learned the most in these past few months. But the most valuable thing that I’ve found is that you can always find happiness. I mean, you can’t let EVERYTHING get you down! This year, I searched for (and landed!) a post-graduation job, found a place to live next year, and started looking for new cars… but being me, I still found reasons to freak out and dread my future post-college. So I thought about what I used to do that made me happy, and I started doing those things again. I’m beginning to take dance classes again, I’m blogging and writing in journals, taking more pictures, and reconnecting with old friends. I feel awesome, confident, and hopeful about whatever is to come. 

So if you find yourself feeling introspective, I suggest you take a look back on the last four years of your life–you may be surprised with what you find (and, what ugly face you can dig up from your photobooth archives, ha!)



Why I Fail at Mondays

14 Jan

It’s about 9:40am, I have a class in 40 minutes across campus in the Auditorium (1. Why I even decided that taking a class that was a half-hour walk away from my home was a good idea, I will never know) and it’s incredibly icy outside. So I, being myself, decide that it would be a stellar idea to drive my car to the end of my street, park it, and then walk from there–cutting at least 8 minutes off of my walking time. (2. That’s actually not such a bad idea.) However, I go to unlock my car, and the locking mechanism makes some gut-wrenching whirring noises, and grinds to a halt. I fiddle with the key-fob and put the actual car key into the lock. (3. How primitive, right?) However, the handle lies limp, and I’m locked out of my vehicle. (4. By this time, it’s about 10:00am, and I’m frustrated.)

So I do what I always do when I don’t know what to do–I call my mom. I’m frantically telling her that I broke my car, and I either have to go get it fixed or just buy a new one all together. (5. By this time in my life, my poor 12-year-old Honda had run into some major trouble more than a few times.) She tells me to go inside and boil some water to pour over the handle.

(6. Duh.)

In my frantic morning state, I completely disregarded that fact that, huh, MAYBE, just MAYBE the locks on my car had frozen overnight, and they were struggling to work through all the ice and the cold from last nights leftover precipitation. (7. Sometimes, I can be really thick.)

Well by this time, I’m beyond late for class, and I feel downright poopy. But I decide to spend my new-found free time wisely, by writing this blog. 

Happy Monday errybody! Have you ever had a sucky Monday? Please share–because misery loves company! 

A Very Thirsty Thirty Days.

6 Jun

Today is June 6th. Which means that in one month EXACTLY, it will by July 6th, which is a very special birthday for me. (Hint hint: I’ll be twenty-fricken-one.) So I decided to make a little bucket list.

But let me rephrase. This isn’t a list of things to do before I kick the “bucket.” No no no. Not yet, I hope.  It’s a list of things to do before I am legally allowed to drink beer out of a bucket at Crunchy’s. So in a month I’ll be 21 years old, and in my family, that’s when you really feel like you become an adult. So here’s my list, and if you have any ideas, please send them my way.

I look old enough to drink, right?

1. See how many restaurants will still let me order off of the kids menu. Based on my current child-like appearance, that shouldn’t be too difficult, but it’d be fun to try nonetheless. I look 12, and might as well eat like I’m 12. And no measly kids meals at fast food restaurants…unless I get a toy. Then everything’s fair game. I love toys.

2. Go to every playground in East Lansing, and slide down every slide. That should be easy, right? Except for the fact that I hate slides, I slide down them wayyy too fast, and they make me all static…y  and usually shock me when I get to the bottom. But whatever, kids like it, so I’ll like it too!

3. Finger painting. Grab some paints, grab a finger (preferably my own), grab some poster board…. and just paint. That carefree way that kids do. I’m going to finger paint without worrying if anything gets under my nails, or on the carpet (okay, not really about that second one, but I am going to have fun!) Any suggestions on what I should paint?!

4. Go to a carnival, and ride every ride. I’m a bit of a squeamish lady, but you know what, forget it! It’s time to buck up, put on my big-girl panties, and ride that absolutely terrifying thing that puts you in a cage with an over-excited child and spins you around while dropping you over and over again. Oh this is the best idea I’ve ever had, I promise you.

5. Find a sprinkler and run through it. I don’t care whose it is, or how far I have to go to find it. I’ll put on a flowery one-piece bathing suit, let my hair out, put my little pink jellies on, and run through the first flippin’ sprinkler I find. Yeah! That’ll happen. Except for the jellies part. Because seriously why did anyone ever wear those ever.

6. Stay up all night. Because even though I’m going to be a senior in college, I’ve never ever stayed up the whole night through, and I just feel like that should change.

So, If you have any bucket-list suggestions for me, please comment below, or email me at everydaybytay@gmail.com. And let the thirty thirsty days begin!

Reasons We LOVE our team.

20 Mar


Okay Okay. It’s March Madness. Our basketball team is awesome. AWESOME. (Can you say Big Ten Champions and a one seed in the NCAA tournament? Yeah. I can too, but you can’t hear me right now. So just say it to yourself and pretend like we’re together.)

So we’re headed to the sweet sixteen. That’s pretty sweet, don’t you agree? And we couldn’t have done it without our rock-solid, incredibly dedicated and unexpectedly talented Spartan Basketball team. So I’m going to list a few things/people that help make our team so awesome.

1. Draymond Green. I mean, come on. Besides the fact that he is an incredible leader, basketball player, and person–he’s an outstanding Spartan. If you’ve got a chance, please take a moment and read this article written about his dedication to the university and its legacy. WHAT A MAN. Plus, he’s not that bad on the eyes. Am I right, ladies?

2. Austin Thornton. Talk about easy on the eyes. HUBBA HUBBA. Normally called Daddy Thornton, affectionately, by me, this senior has really proved his worth on the court this year. He has an incredible free throw average, is also a rockin’ team leader, and you can’t get in the way of his three-point shots.

3. We’re a young team, but we’re a talented one. And, to be honest, our success kind of came as a shock to me after how we struggled last year. But I think a rousing new batch of talent was just what we needed to infuse an already awesome basketball program with more…awesomeness. (You can tell its getting late, I’m getting tired. I’m saying words that aren’t words.)

4. Tom Freaking Izzo. What, you didn’t know that was his middle name? This man is almost so awesome he doesn’t even need to be mentioned. But really, there’s no better example of a true Spartan. Mr. Izzo has been with our team and our program through the good times and the bad (but let’s be honest, it’s mostly been good under his coaching), and has made a point to express his dedication to the university. Plus, he was named both Big Ten and National Coach of the Year. And that’s certainly something.

So. Why do you think our team is so great? Comment on this post, or send other blog ideas to everydaybytay@gmail.com. AND! For more, go to everydaybytay.com

The Parking Meter Fairy

22 Feb

Today has not been the best day, but still, I decided that I would not let it get in the way of my commitment to start my random acts of kindness for Lent. So, on my way back from class and work this afternoon, I stopped by some of the parking meters around campus, and put all the spare change in my pockets in the meters that were about to run out of time. And it was amazing how quickly my bad mood lifted. I know this is going to sound ridiculously cliche– but by doing something small to make someone else’s day better, I made my own day better, by association. Kindness is contagious. Who wouldathunk?

And I think the only thing that could’ve made the whole thing even more worthwhile would be if I literally had on a tutu and fairy wings, wand in hand, magically inserting coins into ALL THE PARKING METERS across campus. Now THAT’d be a sight.

Got any suggestions for what I should do for my random act of kindness? Comment below or email em to everydaybytay@gmail.com. And for more of my stuff, check out my site here.

Spicy Asian.

6 Nov

Here’s your photobomb of the week! Sam was getting a little sweaty eatin’ those wings, and Hil had something to say behind him. Got a phunny photobomb? Send it in!

I Survived: Halloweekend.

31 Oct

Things I did this weekend:

1. Waited 30 minutes at Taco Bell for an order of chips and cheese. It was TOTALLY worth it to people watch and to see a girl dressed as the Black Swan almost start a fight in the dining area.

2. Sassed at a kid dressed as Cat in the Hat who cut in front of me in the Taco Bell line. Unfortunately, he still managed to cut, but at least now he knows I think his costume was dumb, and that I hoped he would NOT enjoy his meal (yeah, I know, great choice of insults.)

3. Made 2 pretty awesome Halloween costumes in a week. Although I failed to make a Koala sexy, I think the Raccoon on night 2 had a pretty good shot. ;]

4. Got a picture with Justin Beiber, and was fortunate enough to do Selena Gomez’s make up for two nights in a row! (He looked fabulous!)

5. Survived my 3rd Halloweekend here at MSU.

Mom vs. The Mattress Truck.

16 Aug

It was an epic battle, but in the end, the truck won. Make sure to watch till the end of the video for a funny little nugget! And, as always, PLEASE comment and subscribe, like and share with your friends! Thank you!