BCS is BS.

2 Dec

Sup readers!

I haven’t been very vocal in my vlogs or my blogs  about my Spartan football team. But I think the time has come for me, and many others, to call out the BCS rankings as a whole lot of BS. [That was clever…right?]. Now I may just be saying this as a scorned Spartan, but even if that’s true, I think I have some good points.  Here’s a quick list of reasons why I think MSU should go to a BCS Bowl.

1. We Beat Wisconsin. This doesn’t even need an explanation. We beat Wisconsin. BEAT THEM. And it was easy too. I mean, I don’t do well watching stressful football games. I plug my ears, close my eyes, and pray to God that we won’t screw up. But the Wisconsin game? Piece. Of. Cake. I wasn’t even worried. So what if it was earlier on in the season? We beat Wisconsin, and they beat Ohio State. Therefore… we also beat Ohio State. How do you like THAT logic?

2. We’re still #1 in the Big Ten. Yes, I’m aware that it’s a three-way tie. But one team shouldn’t be left out.

3. Our team is very attractive.

An award-winning smile, I'm sure.

Obviously the relevance of this is debatable. But have you seen Kirk Cousins? Have you!? Two words: Hubba. Hubba. What a cutie.

4. We have a record of 11-1. Seasons like this don’t come along very often. Like. NEVER. So, shouldn’t we be rewarded for our hard work? We had a tough schedule and we rocked it. Rocked. It.

5. We’re the underdogs, although at the rate we’re improving…not for long. As Spartans, I feel like we’ve always gotten the shaft.  I mean, could we at LEAST get a pity vote?

6. The Spartan Marching Band wants to travel somewhere new. Obviously this is the most important reason. (I really hope you can sense my sarcasm). We’ve already been to Orlando, and San Antonio. I would love to go to New Orleans. So come on BCS, gimme some sugar.

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