
3 Oct

As of late, I’ve been having a few moderate freak-outs about my future. I’ve been spending a lot of time staying up way past my bedtime, picking apart my resume and biting my nails down to the quick. I’ll be graduating from MSU in about a semester and a half. I’ll be entering the real world. And guys… I’m sort of terrified.

So I’ve been doing what I usually do when I start to have an anxiety attack: I took a look back at some of my old blog posts, and I stumbled across my old tumblr. I discovered a post (click here to see it!) that I wrote during my first few weeks here at State, and I realized something. I was 10x more terrified transitioning from high school to college than I am right now.While reading the post, I started wishing that future me could write a letter to past me, and tell me that everything was going to be okay (that makes sense, right?)

And while I realize that’s impossible, I figured I could at least write a blog post telling all of you what I would’ve told me when I first started my life here at MSU. Because that’s basically the same thing. So here goes:

Freshman vs Senior year

Past Tay,

I just wanted to let you know that everything will be okay. I know you’re freakin’ out right now, and that won’t ever change–but you’ll be fineeee.  You will find your footing here at MSU–actually, you’ll find your footing in so many places here, that you’re going to have to pick and choose which ones you want to stick with. You’re going to meet all sorts of new people,  try all sorts of new things, and you’re going to laugh (a lot.) You’re going to grow up a bit here at MSU–just enough to make you responsible, but not enough to make you boring (don’t worry.)

Yes, you’ll still call your mom everyday (you’ll even start to look more like her), and you’ll never unlock the secret to getting to class looking as good as you did when you left your room. Also–you should just stop searching now, because you’re never going to find any chocolate chip cookie that tastes as good as the ones from  Clarkston High School a la carte, but that’s okay.

I do wish that I could tell you that these next three years are going to be a breeze–they’re not. There will be ups, but there will be downs. There will be hard exams and classes that make you want to rip your hair out. You’ll cry… a lot (I mean, what else is new!) But you’re going to come out on top– I just know it.

Hang in there, kid. And enjoy the ride.

-Future Tay

Ps. That vlog/blog idea that you’ve been thinking about starting? Yeah, you should probably get on that. ;]

3 Responses to “College.”

  1. Rebecca October 3, 2012 at 1:19 am #

    This is amazing 🙂 As a freshman, this helps a lot. I know it was directed towards your past self, but I feel like it fully relates to how I’m feeling in this transition to college. So, thank you 🙂

    • Everyday By Tay October 3, 2012 at 1:46 am #

      Rebecca! I’m so glad my thought jumble could help you out. Thank YOU so much. I hope all is well! ❤

  2. Jackie Benson October 3, 2012 at 3:15 pm #

    I loved it Tay, once I finally found the old post. No matter how old you get you can
    always call me. Love you, Mom

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